Hospitality From Within
Hospitality from Within
Ep 1 - Connecting my dots backwards

Ep 1 - Connecting my dots backwards

Welcome to Hospitality from Within Podcast. We all have our own story and path that has made us who we are today and who we are evolving into. I hope this episode inspires you to follow your heart and passion. When I look at who and where I am today, I can easily connect the dots backwards to understand why I took each road untraveled and they all lead me to being the coach, professor, and leader that I am today. It took a lot of leaps, learning how to be ok in the uncomfortable and understanding that I have an insatiable curiosity that has pushed me to follow my passion in supporting hospitality professionals.

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Hospitality From Within
Hospitality from Within
Welcome to Hospitality from Within newsletter. We will navigate topics like language & communication, accountability, routines and how to get through the sticky energy within yourself and your teams. It's time to turn the lens inward.