Hospitality From Within
Hospitality from Within
EP 10 - How leaning into your creative side enhances your productivity

EP 10 - How leaning into your creative side enhances your productivity

We get lost in what creativity means when we are deep in our own minds.

Creativity can mean so many things and sometimes reach a block when we are sitting in front of the computer trying to get the admin done.

Observing our productivity capacities throughout the day is an important process to explore so you can understand your bandwidth and work best within your day. We put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be productive - to get through our to do lists. But let’s be real, sometimes we simply DO NOT want to write that email, make that checklist, make that phone call. And I’m going to say real loud - THAT’S OK! It’s likely not the best time for the brain to complete this task and you’ll likely find yourself procrastinating in getting it done. And then start the story within your mind that you are not capable of even fulfilling your job responsibilities. This is NOT the true story. This is your permission slip to explore your brain capacity throughout the day. And to show up for yourself by stepping away from a task that you are unable to complete in that exact moment and go find a task that is more creative, allows you to use your hands and mind is another way, so you can come back with clarity and self encouragement to get the other task done.

Here are some resources that are always available to you to tap into your creativity and still the mind

- Doodling

- Drawing or painting

- Organizing the walk in or your desk drawers

- Organizing the host stand

- Labeling

- My current favorite, a mini etch a sketch - a few minutes creating on this REALLY puts my entire self in a zone

- Recognition of progress template

Encourage your colleagues and teammates to do the same when you see them struggling to complete some tasks. A touch of creativity helps us feel productive and inspired again.

For more resources, visit

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Hospitality From Within
Hospitality from Within
Welcome to Hospitality from Within newsletter. We will navigate topics like language & communication, accountability, routines and how to get through the sticky energy within yourself and your teams. It's time to turn the lens inward.