Hospitality From Within
Hospitality from Within
Ep 11 - Leadership is sharing the stage with your team - it’s not just about you with guest Angel Tablac

Ep 11 - Leadership is sharing the stage with your team - it’s not just about you with guest Angel Tablac

Ep 11 - Leadership is sharing the stage with your team - it’s not just about you with guest Angel Tablac

Angel is celebrating almost 2 decades working in the hospitality industry. She started her journey in operations and she started to learn more about her draw to HR when she joined a group that was in process of an expansion. When she was able to touch many different departments, she knew she was heading towards an HR path. Her colleagues mirrored back to her that she was really skilled at connecting with people.

During the pandemic, Angel shares how she and her husband navigated operating restaurants while parenting their two daughters while learning was remote. It was a humbling experience but as much as she loved being in the middle of chaos because it was never boring, she had to start putting herself and family first. Angel’s mentor, Stephanie Jackson mentioned that an HR opportunity had opened up within the company and encouraged her to consult with her family before transitioning roles.

A few takeaways Angel learnt from moving from operations to HR:

  • The law is the law and yes it is black and white but because she has experience as an operator, she is able to give advice and guidance from that perspective.

  • She’s had big success as an HR professional by coaching her teams from an operator's viewpoint.

  • HR should not be scary or an intimidating role.

  • She is very intentional on how she shows up to meetings.

  • Become a leader that you influence the team that does not report directly to you and knows how to navigate relationships based on trust.

  • Leadership is knowing your strengths and weaknesses and being humble to leverage your team to bridge the gap between your weaknesses with their expertise.

  • Angel shows up the way she wished someone would have shown up for her when she was an operator.

Angel’s favorite part of HR is strategy and sharing with teams how significant of an impact an HR professional has on the daily life of a team. Her biggest piece of advice to the listeners is get to know your HR team because they can be your biggest supporter and collaborator. If you have the opportunity to cross paths with Angel, you can guarantee she will ask you if she can tag along on your day!

**This episode is in loving memory of Stephanie Jackson, a beautiful soul, mentor, and friend to both Angel and I who has left a lasting impression on us both and our industry as a whole.

About Angel:

An ultimate juggler of life, love, and laughter! As a wife and mom of two adorable little girls, she mastered the art of balancing bedtime stories with boardroom strategies. With 19 years of experience in hospitality and HR, she's not just an expert in operations; she's a magician when it comes to supporting and uplifting her team. Beyond the spreadsheets and staff meetings, she's on a mission to be the role model her daughters deserve. Passionate about leaving a positive impact, she's not just shaping policies but also shaping minds. From bedtime tales to career tales, she's weaving. narrative of success, sprinkled with kindness and compassion.

For more resources on leadership and eliminating the sticky energy from team culture, visit tThe School of Hospitality from Within

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Hospitality From Within
Hospitality from Within
Welcome to Hospitality from Within newsletter. We will navigate topics like language & communication, accountability, routines and how to get through the sticky energy within yourself and your teams. It's time to turn the lens inward.