Hospitality From Within
Hospitality from Within
Ep 2 - Why thriving to be a kind leader is healthier for you and your team

Ep 2 - Why thriving to be a kind leader is healthier for you and your team

We have been taught to be people pleasers. It's ok, we all have this tendency in some way, shape or form.

We are humans and we seek recognition and validation, and gosh do we get nervous to stir the pot and shake things up. I see it all too often, leaders that tell me they just want their teams to think of them as nice. And this is where I stop them and share what a nice leader is and why they should be thriving to be kind VS nice.

Kindness comes from a curious place, an open heart, and allows us to learn and grow. It is uncomfortable because it does not welcome in people pleasing tactics. Kind leaders set boundaries and keep them, leans into sticky coaching conversations knowing that it's an opportunity to learn and teach, and know that this will build trust and growth for everyone - including the guests.

Learn more about the different of nice VS kind in this episode.

You can find more resources at to support you in moving from a nice to a kind human and leader.

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Hospitality From Within
Hospitality from Within
Welcome to Hospitality from Within newsletter. We will navigate topics like language & communication, accountability, routines and how to get through the sticky energy within yourself and your teams. It's time to turn the lens inward.